Investor Centre
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The oOh!media Board approved the introduction of the oOh!media Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) in 2018.

The DRP allows shareholders to reinvest some or all of their dividend in new shares rather than receiving their dividend as a cash payment.

Information about the DRP can be found in the Terms and ConditionsOpens in new window and Frequently Asked QuestionsOpens in new window (FAQs).

Some key features of the DRP are:

  • participation is voluntary and available to eligible shareholders;
  • you can have part or all of your holding participating in the DRP;
  • there are no fees, brokerage or other transaction costs for shares issued under the DRP;
  • shares acquired under the DRP may be issued at a discount; and
  • shares acquired under the DRP will rank equally with existing oOh!media shares.

You can register your participation in the DRP by logging on to the Investor Centre at in new window and updating your DRP election. You can also change or cancel your DRP participation by the applicable record date via the Investor Centre. When accessing the Investor Centre, it is a good opportunity to update all your communication preferences to electronic to help us further reduce paper.

If you do not wish to participate, no action is required on your part.

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